Our Principles

Affordable Accessibility

At The Big Short, we are committed to the fundamental principle of making essential products accessible and affordable for all, particularly in underserved markets and communities. We firmly believe that no one should be excluded from the benefits of vital goods and services due to economic constraints.

Disruptive Innovation

We champion disruptive innovation as a catalyst for positive change in our industry. We embrace innovative solutions that challenge the status quo, believing that they are key to serving our mission more effectively. By pushing the boundaries of convention, we aim to create new opportunities and redefine accessibility.

Join us at The Big Short

We collectively strive to make our country great

Together, we are dedicated to uplifting communities, redefining affordability, and enabling a brighter future for all.

Empowering Dreams

Our dedication extends to empowering individuals who harbour dreams and ambitions for themselves and their communities. We provide them with the tools, knowledge, and opportunities necessary to carve out a prosperous future. Through empowerment, we foster a sense of self-sufficiency and active participation in the betterment of society.

Community-Centric Approach

Central to our mission is our community-centric approach. We prioritise understanding the unique needs and aspirations of diverse communities. By tailoring our products and services to address their specific challenges, we ensure that our efforts resonate with the people we aim to serve.

Sustainable Growth

We are committed to growth that is not only economically viable but also environmentally and socially responsible. Our business practices are designed with future generations in mind, mindful of the impact on our planet. Sustainability guides our actions as we work towards a prosperous and sustainable future.

Integrity and Transparency

Upholding the highest standards of integrity, honesty, and transparency is non-negotiable for us. These values are the bedrock of our organisation, both in our internal operations and our external interactions. Building trust and credibility with stakeholders is paramount.

Nation-Building Vision

We aspire to be more than just an organisation; we aim to be architects of progress for our nation. Our vision is anchored in contributing to the advancement and greatness of our nation. We do this by fostering economic development, promoting education, and empowering individuals at the grassroots level. Through these efforts, we strive to create a more prosperous, inclusive, and promising society for all.

The Big Short

Open the door to new opportunities.

Our main goal is to reduce divisions and create opportunities, particularly in overlooked areas like townships. We’re dedicated to supporting these communities for growth and greater inclusivity.